Multiethnic Church Planting Council

Convening diverse church planting leaders to raise up
the next generation of planters of color

2024-2025 Gatherings & Events

The Multiethnic Council seeks to meet four times a year: in person at the Exponential Global Conference, and online three times per year:

  • October 9, 2024 Zoom call, RSVP here
  • January 2025 Zoom call, date TBD
  • March 17-20, 2025, Exponential Global Conference
    • Multiethnic Church Pre-Conference, March 17, 1-5pm & March 18, 8-11:30am
    • Multiethnic Breakout Track - 4 sessions


Resources of Interest:

  • View the June 6, 2024, webinar on  "Estranged Pioneers" with Korie Edwards on planters of color leading multiethnic churches

About the Multiethnic Council

This is a group of church planting leaders who are:

  • Leading regional or national church planting efforts
  • Building relational trust, unity, and open-handedness
  • Passionate about both justice and evangelism
  • Committed to younger planters of color

Some initial goals include:

  • Meeting quarterly for mutual support (in January, March at Exponential, May,  September)
  • Building an initial leadership team
  • Creating training content for multiethnic cohorts
  • Mentoring and raising funds for planters of color

Partial List of Participants

Daniel Yang

Daniel Yang

National Director of Churches of Welcome | World Relief
len tang

Len Tang

Director | Fuller Church Planting Initiative

Lori Ruffin

Executive Director, Co-Founder | Movement Leaders Collective, Black Missional Convening

Liz Rios

Founder | Passion2Plant

Efrem Smith

Founder | Influential
corey lee

Corey Lee

Director of Content and Partnerships | Fuller Church Planting Initiative

Mozart Dixon

VP of Church Multiplication | Stadia


World Relief

World Relief logo

Fuller Church Planting Initiative

Fuller2021-ChurchPlantingInitiative-4c-RGB_1200x496 (1)

Church Planting Initiative at Fuller Seminary

Movement Leader Collective

Movement Leader Collective logo


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Stadia Church Planting

Stadia Logo
Passion2Plant Logo


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