September 7th Planter Essentials: Why Every Planter Needs a Coach with Dan Steigerwald

dan steigerwald

September 7th Planter Essentials: Why Effective Coaches Are Game Changers with Dan Steigerwald Who: Church planting network leaders and interested planters. What: Planters often dismiss coaching because they figure an outsider couldn’t possibly relate to the challenges they’re facing on the ground. But finding a good coach can be a gamechanger. Can good coaching make the…

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August 3rd Network Leader Round Table: The Scandal of Leadership with JR Woodward

jr woodward the scandal of leadership

The imagination of many church planters has been held captive to the admirable goals of growth and multiplication without examining the darker, more sinister assumptions and Powers behind that ambitious growth. Planters must examine the domineering models of leadership that they have uncritically adopted so that those desires can be replaced with a Christlike form…

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