Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul

planting a church without losing your soul

Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul What does it take to be a church planter or other ministry entrepreneur? Most leaders start out with passion, a sense of calling, and a focus on building ministry skills. Such things might get some results, but they are not enough to sustain a healthy ministry―or a healthy…

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PLANTERMATCH No one plants alone. In order to plant flourishing churches, leaders want the support of organizations and networks. In order to continue to thrive, church planting organizations and networks need to be able to find new church planters. PlanterMatch is a website that connects prospective church planters to organizations that can partner with them.…

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Sent to Flourish

Sent to Flourish Church planting is hard work. Planters face a thousand pressures related to leadership, finances, identity, and more. Quick fixes don’t produce sustainability. How can church planters and their congregations flourish for the long haul? Sent to Flourish is a unique guide to accompany current and prospective church planters as they respond to this essential…

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